Are you thinking of buying your first home? Are you looking for a house to flip? No matter what kind of property you are looking for, this article discusses seven tips you should follow while you are entering real estate which makes it an easier and smoother process. 1. Do the calculations correctly. Check your credit score, calculate your debt to income ratio, and figure out what you can pay for even before you start looking. This will avoid you from falling in love with a property that you won’t be able to pay for. 2. If possible, get a mortgage previously approved. Just for the reason that you think you can afford a home, doesn’t mean that a bank agrees. Research strange types of mortgages, to find one that best fits your position and be careful of risky types such as adjustable rate mortgages. Then make sure you shop about for the most excellent interest rates. It is wise to talk to at least five dissimilar vendors. 3. Investigate neighbor hoods. You can discover loads of information about a neighborhood on the internet such as the crime rate, school ratings, proximity to stores and parks, etc. Even better than the internet, is a individual referral. A person that lives there can give most of the in sequence you are looking for. When searching for homes in that area try to picture you in that neighborhood. Also, if you are just scheduling to flip a home or rent out an investment property, you do not need to focus on the neighborhood. 4. Discover a real estate agent. Get referrals from friends who have had good experiences and conference at least three agents. Pick one with experience and one with an individuality that meshes with yours. 5. Search and maintain the houses straight. You will likely be visiting numerous homes and after a while your memory of each house will start to fade and blend together. Take images of each and make notes after walking through all of them. This will help you keep in mind the benefits of each home and help you make your final decision. 6. With your agent, decide a good price to proffer and be ready for a counter offer. You will want to decide a closing date and make any special requests of the seller at this time. You and the vendor will sign the Purchase and Sale Agreement at this time as well. 7. Fix the agreement. This involves getting the home appraise and inspected and if anything disturbing pops up you can back out or renegotiate. You will also complete the loan procedure and need to have money set aside for the closing costs and down payment.