As a real estate investor and educator, I look at just about every new product and program that comes on the market. And if something looks good I’ll buy it. Like you, I’ve sunk a ton of money into real estate investing products, programs and seminars over the years, always looking for the next big thing and an easy way to earn money in real estate. I found that most didn’t come close to the big claims they make, and I’m usually disappointed because the strategies are old, tired and don’t have any chance of succeeding in today’s market. Does that sound familiar? Last month, Jeff invited me to Las Vegas for a preview of his new course, Foreclosure Profits and truthfully I was blown away.


Well, mainly because I used to invest in foreclosures and now that the market has tanked and there are SO MANY foreclosures flooding the market that I know now is a great time to jump back in. But I was worried that my strategies were out of date. So, I dove into the course and was happy to discover that my favorite strategy will still work (and Jeff covers it, too!). I learned so much that I’m actively looking for REO’s again because really, I’d be an idiot not to in this market with this information.